Starbound how to change race
Starbound how to change race

Well now you can with your very own Mech Crafting Stations! Purchasable from your local Outpost Tech Lab. This is mostly for those that want a little bit more creative freedom when it comes to the design of their ship. The nice thing about this mod is that it does not change the starting ship until you find the quest giver and finish their small quest line. This mod i present to everyone as a means to be a little bit more creative when it comes to the ship that they want to have. Note: This mod will probably require others of the same name for the different races that will be involved in the server so as to change and add the new wall items for the specified race. You also have the added option of crafting new walls to place around where you wish. This mod allows you to break and make certain walls around your ship to make bigger entrance ways to allow your big blobby body to move around much easier. Most things that you would consider to be fuel can be used to help fuel your mech. Well this mod is a nice middle ground for those that want the convenience of having a lot more mobility at larger sizes while also having a little extra challenge of getting fuel to power it for longer periods. They mostly are here to provide a different option of play for the people on the server. Note: None of these mods change the base game too drastically i believe. Ill list the ones i use here and a bit of a short reason why i think they might be a nice addition. These are mods that you can find easily on steam and download and see if they will play nice with the server. I would very much like to join, but i feel that there could be just a few more mods here and there that might make this server that much more enjoyable. Hi there, been a long time lurker but am finally wanting to get into chatting with the community to some degree and also maybe join in on this server that has been put up for this super cute and delightful mod for this game. You can simply skip it and get ship repair tech from our public chest for new players, near the spawnpoint. Some of the quandaries posed by some of the above mods are offset by the EPP given early on from fatmod. Might be worth assessment on a case-by-case basis. This said, FU maybe opt for FR instead, early starbound was intended to have variations between races aside from just cosmetics is probably best to keep off the table.

starbound how to change race

I was just seeing as to the state of given players, given that everybody has to deal with that fairly long intro shtick. You can simply copy your star bound folder and download clean version to join. I have FU version of this server ready, but a lot of people prefer vanilla. Every 12 hours server restarts in order to backup files etc.

Starbound how to change race