Doctorx dynamic faction relations
Doctorx dynamic faction relations

doctorx dynamic faction relations doctorx dynamic faction relations

Let us go back to fundamentals and not pretend to know the extent to which global warming is occurring and if so whether it is due to human industrial activities.

doctorx dynamic faction relations

There is little question that cap-and-trade is a gift to special interests such as the financial industry, for which a fully implemented cap/trade regime would probably be the largest business line in history- profits which would be paid by you and me. I am not going to quote from it but will rather go in a different direction. is running an opinion piece that sums up much of the case against the "warmists", titled A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC The emerging errors of the IPCC's 2007 report are not incidental but fundamental, says Christopher Booker.

Doctorx dynamic faction relations